From instruction to manifestation
Precept Bible School was born        
As a vision from the Holy One
What you see took shape and form
It's in our heart to do our part
To get this commission done
To see revival in this generation
We will carry the baton
Precept International
We sing your praise
With heartfelt admiration
Precept International
O how we love your river of revelation
Line on Line, precept on precept
God's word with us you've shared
It's our time to answer heaven's call
Because of you we go prepared
With love and on fire
It's our desire
To take the gospel to the lost
To see revival, we'll hold this banner high
No matter what the cost...Precept International
We sing your praise
With heartfelt admiration....Precept International
O how we love your river of revelation
Precept International Your impact is phenomenal
  In your honor we will persevere
Precept International
We're so glad you're here
So glad you're here
©Copyright 2017